Multiple Sclerosis: a blessing in my life

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis on June 22, 2008. The day before, I woke up feeling dizzy and noticed I could not turn my eyeballs sideways. I went to my doctor and he ordered a brain MRI.
The black and blue pictures of my head revealed white spots, which suggested my T cells had eaten away at my neurons, and thus was born my diagnosis. As a result of my first stage MS situation, my optic nerves were swollen, making it hard for me to make any movements with my eyes. Also, I had tiny tremors over my lips, which made me feel self-conscious.
The neurologist then took clear spinal fluid from my back to have it tested, and when the results came back very promising, I felt calm and hopeful.
As I sat in the white office listening to this news, the first thing I said was: “How can I fight this?” Before I had a chance to feel sad, I just focused on getting better and taking control of my life.
For two weeks, small amounts of cortisone were administered to bring the inflammation down and it was explained to me, that I had to make many changes in my lifestyle. I had to start by eliminating chemicals from my diet. No more canned food, no more cured meats, no processed or boxed anything because of its high levels of preservatives. No more perfumed cosmetics or lasers. I had to take good care of my molecular structure if I wanted my MS to subdue.
So I went to the store to buy my new way of life and I changed everything! even cleaning products! With these newly found adjustments I began to feel the change immediately.  My life improved very quickly and two months later I found out I was pregnant!
A bittersweet emotion came over me because as excited as I was to be a first time mom, I just did not know if I was going to be healthy enough for my child. I felt extremely uncertain.
Today, I am immensely fortunate to say that the only symptoms that I have had so far are strong migraines and the occasional light muscle spasm.
MS has been a blessing for me in many ways. It has made me savor, cherish and create wonderful moments that are now fantastic memories for my children. It has made me work harder to make a positive imprint on my son and daughter’s lives. It has made me more conscious of what I teach and offer them. It has made me a better person overall… It has made me a better mommy. I thank my MS; I could not have achieved these goals without it.
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